Massage Therapists Business Hints and Tips for a successful massage career
Millionaires when asked about their businesses “what would you do differently?” invariably reply “Go to the experts sooner”.
When we start a business we often try and go it alone for various reasons, we can’t afford help, we are proud and want the achievement to be all ours, we don’t know who to ask for help or how to ask for it, we think we know it all…..
All of this is a mistake. We need the help, vision, advice, expertise of many different people and many people love to give their help and advise for free.
If they aren’t willing to help for free, try bartering with them and swapping your services hour for hour.
Essentials for Health are providing for a limited period free of charge for all therapists a business planning e-tool called the Therapists Business Passport, written by Gill Tree
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Millionaires when asked about their businesses “what would you do differently?” invariably reply “Go to the experts sooner”.
When we start a business we often try and go it alone for various reasons, we can’t afford help, we are proud and want the achievement to be all ours, we don’t know who to ask for help or how to ask for it, we think we know it all…..
All of this is a mistake. We need the help, vision, advice, expertise of many different people and many people love to give their help and advise for free.
If they aren’t willing to help for free, try bartering with them and swapping your services hour for hour.
Essentials for Health are providing for a limited period free of charge for all therapists a business planning e-tool called the Therapists Business Passport, written by Gill Tree
Sign up now: