I started Essentials for Health to change the world though the healing power of touch. My experience in social work had led me to working with some of the most vulnerable in our society including people who were alcohol and drug dependent, the homeless, those with physical and learning disabilities and the acutely ill. It was no surprise that my massage clients were often those that other touch th...erapists felt under confident to work with, the dying, the sexually abused and those with HIV and aids.
Early in the company’s history we had strong links with the local community in east London where EfH was born and many of my students through EfH were able to work with similarly vulnerable groups, sometimes paid and often voluntary.
I always wanted to continue this service and have always dreamed of having our own charity to facilitate this and am extremely proud to announce that the Touch Foundation has been born! To start with we want to offer our massage e-course to clients of charities such as Relate, the British Heart Foundation and Scope.
Do you have any contacts? The Foundation will be instrumental in offering massage training to professional care givers and those in the medical profession as well as being a link between charities and those therapists who wish to volunteer. Pledge your time and interest now!
Gill Tree - Managing Director
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