Thursday, 23 August 2012

Massage the antidote to stress- Essentials for Health

Massage the antidote to stress- Essentials for Health

Stress Management can help MS 

A new study by Northwestern Medicine research, published in the journalNeurology, discovered that a weekly stress management program for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) prevented the development of new brain lesions, which often precede a flare-up of MS symptoms, like pain, loss of vision or use of limbs. Brain lesions are a marker of the disease’s activity in the brain.

Lead investigator of the study, David Mohr, professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine declares:

“This is the first time counseling or psychotherapy has been shown to affect the development of new brain lesions. In M.S., the prevention of new brain lesions is an important marker used to judge how effective medications are. The new finding is an important step and the strongest evidence we have to date that stress is involved in M.S.”

As massage is the antidote to stress and can play a real part in stress reduction, there is definitely an opportunity here for us to to help MS sufferers.

Therapy Business Hints and tips for your Massage Career

When selling a service such as massage we need to increase its  “Tangibility”. Intangibility leads to customers;

1/ Having difficulty in evaluating competing services

2/Perceiving high levels of RISK

3/ Placing great emphasis on recommendation

4/Using price as a basis for assessing quality

Increase its “Tangibility” by;

1/Including tangibles in the price

2/Allowing people to visit the clinic

3/Have testimonials

4/ Have physical evidence such as a brochure with photos

5/ Customise the service to the client

6/ Make the service as simple as possible

7/ Encourage recommendation

8/ Focus on service quality

9/ offering freebies to sample

Once you have got people in through the door, you want to keep them coming back. People love to think they are getting a bargain or a good deal so consider:

Offering a course of treatments with a discount for them paying up front (this really helps your cash flow)

Have the loyalty cards like the coffee shops where they get the 6th or 10th treatment free

Have a freebie provided with the treatment- you might negotiate a special deal with the gym down the road to have a free day membership for example

Have special offers during quiet times of the year

Have peak and off peak prices

People are also more likely to book if what you offer is scarce. When starting out, don’t  let on that you have a completely empty appointment book. Instead intimate that you can “just squeeze them in!”

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Essentials for Health Therapy Business Giveaway- You’d be crazy to miss out!

You’d be crazy to miss out on this giveaway!

Gill has gone mad and is giving away 20 years of business knowledge via her Therapists Business Passport. Her motivation is simply to get Therapists of all disciplines being more successful and therefore improving the nations health. You will receive 30 weekly emails and 6 guiding principles completely free, jam packed full of therapy business hints and tips. We have sold this for £39.95 in the past but as a special birthday present we are giving it away to the first 100 therapists.

Monday, 13 August 2012


After a marathon meeting day at work or a blowout with a significant other, it may seem impossible to settle in for eight hours of blissful sleep. But those tough times may be when we really need the rest, since skimping on sleep actually makes it more difficult to handle stress. So stop tossing and turning. We’ve got the best tips on how to get a good night’s sleep even when you’re stressed.

Beat the Bedtime Blues — Your Action Plan

Don’t work in bed, or even in the bedroom. Turning the sheets and pillows into a makeshift desk makes it harder to see the bed as a place for rest. And definitely put away the laptop, phone, and any other technological devices well before bedtime. The artificial light coming out of these gadgets can mess up the body’s natural sleep cycles.

Go to sleep at a reasonable hour. (And make it a habit.) Especially when we’re overwhelmed with work, it can seem tempting to stay up all night putting the final touches on a project. But pulling an all-nighter can make it much harder to focus the next day. And consistently staying up ’til sunrise may impair learning abilities and contribute to higher anxiety levels. (Now that’s something to get stressed about.) Stick to a regular bedtime and things may look better in the morning.

Wind down. It’s important to take some time to unwind between shutting the computer screen and crawling under the covers. Try taking a warm shower or sipping some herbal tea. If nagging worries are keeping you awake, write them down in a journal. Or mellow out as you’re drifting off with some Enya or classical tunes.

Take a power nap. If the stress monster kept you from getting a solid night’s rest last night, try dozing off during the day. Ten to 20 minutes should be enough to wake up feeling refreshed and more alert. Just make sure to keep naps to the afternoon, so you’ll still be able to sleep soundly at night.


Let’s say you want to get in better shape. Of course, you’re smart, informed, and know exactly what to do. So you’ve listed the changes you need to make, pinning them to the fridge next to the vision board and inspirational photos. Here’s the only problem: You haven’t actually done anything on the list. You’re struggling with the getting started part.

Or maybe that’s not you at all.

Maybe you’re the “fit one” among your friends. Maybe you’re even a trainer. Countless friends, family members, co-workers, or clients seek your advice. And you send them workout plans, links to the best websites and apps, meal plans, and lots of encouragement.

Yet it’s always the same story. They can’t seem to follow through. What’s going on here?

After all, it’s not that difficult to eat more veggies and lean protein. Not that impossible to cut down on the alcohol and drink more water or green tea. Not that overwhelming to lift weights several times a week, add some high intensity interval training and get more sleep. That’s because it isn’t difficult. Providing you’re already doing that stuff.

What is difficult is trying to do all those things at once. Especially if the practices are brand-new and none of them are daily habits. That’s because getting fit — or learning any new skill — is a bit like juggling. If you begin by randomly throwing a dozen balls in the air, what’s going to happen?


The solution to this problem? Start practicing with one ball. When you’ve got that one under control, add another. Get that one under control, and add another. And so on. Soon, you’ll be running off to join the circus.


To support this analogy, bestselling author Leo Babauta estimates that when people focus on changing a single behaviour at a time, the likelihood that they’ll retain their new habit for a year or more is around 80 per cent.

But what about those who try to change two or more behaviours at once? In them, he asserts, success rates drop as low as 20 per cent.

Of course, there’s nothing new in the idea that focusing on less helps you achieve more. Experts in all walks of life have recognized it for years. As Guelph University psychology professor Ian Newby-Clark explains:

“Habits are highly ingrained behaviours. They are almost automatic. Changing one habit is hard enough. Trying to change more than one at a time is often a recipe for disaster. So, despite the occasional example to the contrary, my advice is to focus on one habit at a time.”

Here’s the only problem: If we take a look at the world of fitness for example, we still haven’t caught on. So when people decide they want to get into shape, they feel as if they have to do everything at once. Join the gym, check. Buy some new running shoes, check. Set the alarm for 4:30am, check. Cut out all the junk food, check. Eat more broccoli, check.

They mentally prepare themselves for an all-out assault on fitness and, after a few short days or weeks… splat!

Maybe this is why so many people who lose weight put it all back on. Instead of making fitness and weight loss a long-term, sustainable practice, they made it a short-term, inconvenient project. But surely, if someone hires a fitness trainer, the trainer will help prevent this problem. Right?

Unfortunately, some fitness trainers aren’t too great at helping their clients prioritize and build from where they are. Rather, most of them focus on the top 10 percent of clients who, endowed with superhuman genetic gifts, can juggle dozens of habits right from the start.

The other 90 percent? They give up and head back home to their couches, all of them forgotten by the fitness industry.

“A high percentage of people stop exercising within six months,”* says Kris Berg, Ed.D., an exercise physiologist at the University of Nebraska. Overwhelmed by the task of trying to build new exercise and nutrition plans into their already overly busy lives, they give up.


Fortunately, there’s a small segment of the fitness industry doing things differently. These fitness professionals (and their clients) realize that harnessing the power of less can be accomplished through something called “habit based coaching.” Instead of counting calories, trying to follow rigid meal plans, and trying to adopt the perfect exercise program from day one, habit based coaching starts with a simple daily practice.

Based on your starting point, that practice might be to go for a 15-minute walk every day. It might be to take fish oil and a multivitamin each day. It might be to start the day with breakfast. (Of course, these practices can be scaled up or down).

Then, every two weeks, once the previous practice has become a habit, you can add another one. Each habit builds on the last until 6 or 12 months later, you’ve been transformed. And not just physically.

By using the one habit at a time approach, you don’t just lose fat. You also internalize a new way of being and that lasts longer than willpower or discipline, which are both finite resources.


So, how can you use the principles of habit-based coaching to get in shape yourself or to address another unhealthy aspect of your life? Here are a few examples:

Start small. First, when it comes to making any kind of lifestyle change, it’s best to start small and build. Begin by choosing one practice to follow. It could be drinking 8 cups of water each day. Sleeping 8 hours each night. Or exercise 30 minutes each day. Just be sure to choose only one and follow it for 2 weeks before adding any new habits.
Make things clear and measurable. Next, make sure the practice is clear and measurable. “Eat more veggies” isn’t that useful. “Eat 1 fist-sized portion of vegetables with each meal” is much better. At the end of each day you can know for sure if you did it or not.
Gain confidence first. Finally, make the practice something you (or your client) feels confident they can do every day. Even if the habit sounds small, if it’s not something that inspires confidence, it’s not a great practice to begin with.
One recommended practice could be “Eat five fist-sized servings of vegetables each day.” This practice is clear and easy to measure. Either you ate your five servings (or more) or you didn’t. Yet is it truly a small habit? That depends.

For some people, the ones who can’t wait for their weekly organic produce delivery, it is almost laughably small. For others, it’s a just-right challenge, the kick in the pants they need to make an improvement that’s not too hard for them to make.

But for others, those who have trouble identifying a fresh vegetable much less preparing it, the habit may be too difficult. And that presents the perfect opportunity to shrink the task.

If five servings of vegetables a day is too ambitious a goal, you might aim for two servings a day until that feels like a do-able challenge. We can stretch the practice to five servings later.
Of course, you’ll sometimes have to scale it back until the habit seems ridiculously small. You might even wonder how it could ever produce any meaningful change.

The answer is it might not, at least today. But build on the small change, and you’ll be amazed at what can be accomplished over a few months. Even more, you’ll be surprised at how sustainable these new practices become.

In the end, treat your new health and lifestyle program like you might approach learning to juggle. Sure, you might not run off to join the circus. But you’ll end up with the strength, energy, and balance of a circus performer. And that’s an achievement most of us can get behind.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Massage the Antidote to Stress and a potential replacement for alcohol

A survey of more than 2,000 people aged between 35 and 45 years in the UK also found that a fifth of men and nearly one in six women admit they drink daily or most days of the week just to relax after a stressful day at work.

It found that four out of 10 women and a third of men said they were drinking more than the Governmen…

t’s daily unit guidelines, which are set at 3-4 units for men and 2-3 units for women.

Almost half of the people questioned (44 per cent) said they were more likely to drink after a stressful day and more than a third (37 per cent) said they thought about having a drink on the way home.

The majority of those questioned (60 per cent) blamed work for their stress levels while half blamed financial worries and more than a third (36 per cent) said family life caused stress, the researchers found.

“Alcohol can be a ‘false friend’ when you are trying to deal with stress, said Siobhan McCann, head of campaigns and communications at Drinkaware which commissioned the survey.

“Even though it might seem like a few drinks can relieve the pressures of the day, in the medium to long term it can actually add to them whether they’re work, financial or family related,” McCann was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.

He said: “Stress can also be an excuse for people to drink more than they should, especially if they don’t realise the negative impact it can have on their health and wellbeing”.

As we know that massage is one of the best ways to relax, perhaps we should be targeting those who drink to relax and suggest a massage as a healthier and more positive alternative.

Massage Therapists Business Tips- creating a niche for a successful Massage Career

If you have ever heard me speak at a conference on marketing you will have heard me say that it is no longer good enough to be a therapist you need to be a specialist and have a niche. Please read my blog about research on the benefits of massage for relieving menopause Symptoms. Could this be your niche?

A small number of massage sessions with scented oils may be enough to help ease menopause symptoms in some women, according to a new study.

The work by Iranian scientists at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences found the sessions could relieve symptoms such as irritability, depression and disruptive sleep problems and that the presence of the oil helped the massage to be more effective.

Dr Hilda Hutcherson, a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, who was not involved in the study, told Reuters Health that the results seemed logical.

With the symptoms the study measured it makes sense that massages could make some women feel better, she stated.

Lavender oil was found to be the most effective addition to a massage and Dr Hutchinson said the oil has an association with making people feel more relaxed.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some women may experience all the symptoms associated with the menopause, while others may not have any at all.