Start your own school of massage with assistance from Essentials for Health franchise program
Teaching massage is to me joyous work that not only gives your participants wonderful skills that they can use on friends and family, it develops and enhances you as a therapist and acts as a great marketing tool. When I first started Essentials for Health I taught many massage workshops all over London and got a lot of faithful massage clients as a result.
If you would like to teach introductory massage workshops, you can use all our materials and teaching methods from our Massage Magic Course for a small fee which includes our “Teaching Your Own Therapy” E-course.
If you are thinking of starting your own massage school, align yourself with one of the most successful and let Essentials for Health accelerate your success by using our course and administration materials under a license agreement. For details call Gill Tree 01628 476100.
Teaching massage is to me joyous work that not only gives your participants wonderful skills that they can use on friends and family, it develops and enhances you as a therapist and acts as a great marketing tool. When I first started Essentials for Health I taught many massage workshops all over London and got a lot of faithful massage clients as a result.
If you would like to teach introductory massage workshops, you can use all our materials and teaching methods from our Massage Magic Course for a small fee which includes our “Teaching Your Own Therapy” E-course.
If you are thinking of starting your own massage school, align yourself with one of the most successful and let Essentials for Health accelerate your success by using our course and administration materials under a license agreement. For details call Gill Tree 01628 476100.