Thursday, 8 November 2012

Massage the antidote to stress- hints for your massage career success

Massage the antidote to stress

WOMEN between the ages of 25 and 34 appear to be the most stressed says a new study.
Climbing the career ladder, caring for demanding children, paying the mortgage and trying to maintain some sort of social life all trigger higher stress levels in this age group say researchers.

Two in three of women, 67 per cent, suffer from stress every week in the UK, the study by herbal stress remedy brand Kalms found after surveying 2,000 adults.

And over a year the average Brit gets stressed 208 times.

Women, who often shoulder the greater burden of raising children, typically suffer more bouts of anxiety than men, the study found.

It also concluded that because men and women tend to worry about different things relationships can become revaged by tension.

Neil Shah, Director of the Stress Management Society said: “Women worry more about bills and finances, and juggling their time, but men are more concerned about working long hours and debt.”

The study suggests relaxing through a healthy diet and exercise, as well as avoiding stimulants, such as technology and alcohol, particularly close to bedtime.

A good night’s sleep can really help reduce symptoms of stress, so ensure you have a good wind down routine in the evenings,” Mr Shah added.

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How about targeting this age group for your marketing?

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