1. Arthritis......Pain and stiffness in the joints. A general term.
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis...Body attacks its own tissue in a joint - the cartilage and synovial membrane
3. Osteoarthritis....Irritation of joints caused by wear and tear, usually due to ageing. Cartilage
degenerates and spurs of new bone tissue are deposited. Bones can fuse,
reducing movement
4. Bursistis....Inflammation of Bursa
5. Avulsion Fracture......Displacement of bone caused by tearing of ligaments or tendons
6. Strain....... Forcible wrenching or twisting of joint with partial rupture of attachments
7. Osteoporosis......Decreased bone mass as a result of decreased levels of oestrogen. Common in post-menopausal women
8. Fracture......Partial or complete break of bone
9. Ricketts……Soft bones due to bone not calcifying because of lack of vitamin D
10. Kyphosis - Exaggerated outward curvature of the spine in the thoracic region
11. Lordosis.... Inward exaggeration of the spine in the lumbar region
12. Scoliosis- Lateral curvature of spine in any region
13. Gout... A condition in which a defect in uric acid metabolism causes an excess of the acid and its salts (urates) to accumulate in the bloodstream and the joints respectively
14. RSI ......... Pain with associated loss of function in a limb resulting from its repeated
movement or sustained static loading
15. Stress….. Any factor that acts on an individual so as to threaten his or her wellbeing, which may produce a physiological and psychological response. Mechanical stress
(or the lack of it) also affects the skeletal system
16. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.. Swelling in the carpal tunnel (in the wrist) causing compression of the medial nerve
17. Herniated Disc.... Protrusion of the pulpy inner material of an intervertebral disc through the fibrous outer coat, causing pressure on adjoining nerve roots, ligaments, etc.
18. Bunion....(Hallux Vulgas)A swelling of the joint between the great toe and the first metatarsal bone. A bursa often develops over the site.
19. Whiplash…. Damage to the ligaments, vertebrae, or spinal cord, caused by sudden jerking back of the head and neck, often in occupants of a car hit from behind
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis...Body attacks its own tissue in a joint - the cartilage and synovial membrane
3. Osteoarthritis....Irritation of joints caused by wear and tear, usually due to ageing. Cartilage
degenerates and spurs of new bone tissue are deposited. Bones can fuse,
reducing movement
4. Bursistis....Inflammation of Bursa
5. Avulsion Fracture......Displacement of bone caused by tearing of ligaments or tendons
6. Strain....... Forcible wrenching or twisting of joint with partial rupture of attachments
7. Osteoporosis......Decreased bone mass as a result of decreased levels of oestrogen. Common in post-menopausal women
8. Fracture......Partial or complete break of bone
9. Ricketts……Soft bones due to bone not calcifying because of lack of vitamin D
10. Kyphosis - Exaggerated outward curvature of the spine in the thoracic region
11. Lordosis.... Inward exaggeration of the spine in the lumbar region
12. Scoliosis- Lateral curvature of spine in any region
13. Gout... A condition in which a defect in uric acid metabolism causes an excess of the acid and its salts (urates) to accumulate in the bloodstream and the joints respectively
14. RSI ......... Pain with associated loss of function in a limb resulting from its repeated
movement or sustained static loading
15. Stress….. Any factor that acts on an individual so as to threaten his or her wellbeing, which may produce a physiological and psychological response. Mechanical stress
(or the lack of it) also affects the skeletal system
16. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.. Swelling in the carpal tunnel (in the wrist) causing compression of the medial nerve
17. Herniated Disc.... Protrusion of the pulpy inner material of an intervertebral disc through the fibrous outer coat, causing pressure on adjoining nerve roots, ligaments, etc.
18. Bunion....(Hallux Vulgas)A swelling of the joint between the great toe and the first metatarsal bone. A bursa often develops over the site.
19. Whiplash…. Damage to the ligaments, vertebrae, or spinal cord, caused by sudden jerking back of the head and neck, often in occupants of a car hit from behind
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