Tuesday 3 July 2012

Essentials for Health Massage Therapy- the antidote to stress

Essentials for Health MD, Gill Tree has found the following research, adding to her argument that massage is the antidote to stress.

Sleep deprivation and physical stress have similar effects on the immune system , researchers from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom reported in the journal SLEEP. Both physical stress and severe sleep loss jolt the immune system into action, the authors explained.

The scientists , from Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, compared the number of white blood cells in 15 healthy young adult males who were subjected to normal sleep and severe sleep loss.

The greatest impact was on granulocytes - types of white blood cells – which lost their day-to-night time rhythmicity as numbers shot up, especially during nighttime.

As massage can really help enhance peoples length and depth of sleep, perhaps people with sleep deprivation could be your niche market?

For more information: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/247320.php

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